Type | Contents | Remark |
Titulus initialis | λόγος κατὰ τῶν τοῦ Βέκκου βλασφημῶν | |
Incipit | οὐκ οἶδα ὅ τι παθὼν ὁ τοῦ λόγου γεννήτωρ | |
Desinit | καὶ τὸ ἀσθενὲς ἡμῶν ἐνισχύοντος |
Type | Title | ||
Éditions | Samara, 2018, Θεόδωρος Μουζάλων. Ἡ ζωὴ καὶ τὸ συγγραφικὸ ἔργο ἑνὸς λογίου τοῦ 13ου αἰώνα | Zotero | Pinakes |
Type | Number | Url | Remark |
RAP | G1727 | https://apps.unive.it/project/rap/visualizza/g1727 | Curator : Bucossi 10.09.2024 |
The information in this section is sourced from the Pinakes database, which primarily relies on data from printed catalogues. As some of these catalogues are outdated or contain inaccuracies, readers should be aware that the details provided may not always be entirely reliable. However, if the RAP sigla appears in the "Rev." column, it indicates that the RAP team has verified the accuracy of the entry.
Country | City | Depot | Fund | Cote | Folios | Century | Date | Comment | Rev. |
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Μετοχίου του Παναγίου Τάφου | 252 | 452v-456 | 16 | 1566 | ||
Hellas | Athēna | Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος (ΕΒΕ) | Mss. | 2092 | p. 391-396 | 17 | Inc. et des. mut., cum lacunis | ||
Vaticano | Città del Vaticano | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) | Chig. | R. IV. 012 (gr. 12) | 038v-46* | 13 (4/4) | CF. PG 142:44C NUM. 12 | ||
Hellas | Hagion Oros | Μονή Ιβήρων | Mss. | 0388 (Lambros 4508) | 643-645v | 16 | Inc. et des. mut, cum lacunis | ||
Nederland | Leiden | Universitaire Bibliotheken | BPG | 049 | 103-108v | 14 med. | |||
Rossijskaja Federacija | Moskva | Государственный Исторический Музей (ГИМ) | Син. гр. | 070 (Vlad. 249) | 242v-245v | 16-17 | |||
España | San Lorenzo de El Escorial | Real Biblioteca | Mss. | Ψ. III. 01 (Andrés 456) | 150-151v | 13 ex. - 14 in. | Fragmentum | ||
Italia | Venezia | Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (BNM) | gr. | II. 169 a (coll. 1400) | Pars 1 p. 404-426 | 18 in. | PG 142, 290-300 |